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Vatican approves Medjugorje pilgrimages

Saint James Church in Medjugorje

St. James Church in Medjugorje (Photo credit: gnuckx/CC BY 2.0

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, with the blessing of Pope Francis, has granted Medjugorje the status of ‘Nulla Osta’ (Nihil Obstat), meaning that Church-organised pilgrimages and devotions to the shrine are now permitted and encouraged.

The Vatican explained its decision by acknowledging the abundant spiritual fruits received at the Shrine of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, while clarifying that it will not address the issue of the alleged apparitions.

Medjugorje, located in Bosnia and Herzegovina, has been a significant site of pilgrimage since 1981, when six children first claimed to witness apparitions of the Virgin Mary.

Known as the “Queen of Peace,” these alleged visions have drawn millions of visitors seeking spiritual renewal.

Apparation Hill in Medjugorje

Apparition Hill (Photo credit: Michał Maksymilian Gwozdek/Public domain license)

The small town is now home to the famous St. James Church, a focal point for prayer, confession, and Mass, offering a peaceful setting for pilgrims to reflect on their faith.

24sata was the first to receive a Vatican document, which includes a warning about the ‘alleged visionaries’ and a reminder that pilgrims should visit Medjugorje for faith and devotion to the Queen of Peace, not for encounters with the ‘alleged visionaries’.

It is not a full ‘Nulla Osta’ but one with caution.

Medjugorje has been viewed positively in terms of people praying and going to confession, but the Vatican will not delve into the claims of supernatural apparitions.

The document also highlights the potential danger of pilgrims seeking out these ‘alleged visionaries’ and urges them to focus on faith, not the visionaries themselves, according to a source from the Church in Croatia who spoke to 24sata.

Warning about ‘Alleged Visionaries’

“The time has come to conclude the long and complex history surrounding the spiritual phenomena of Medjugorje. It is a history in which bishops, theologians, commissions, and analysts have expressed a range of opinions. Pope Francis approved this note on 28th August, recognising the spiritual good linked to Medjugorje, as many positive outcomes have been observed in the midst of the spiritual experience, while negative and harmful effects have not spread,” the Vatican’s position on Medjugorje pilgrimages reads.



The positive fruits are most evident in the promotion of a healthy life of faith, in line with the Church’s tradition. The Vatican recognises the many conversions of people who have discovered or rediscovered their faith, the return of many to confession and sacramental communion, and numerous reconciliations between spouses, alongside the renewal of marriage and family life. It appears that people visit Medjugorje primarily to renew their faith, rather than seeking specific favours.

Additionally, charitable works have emerged, including care for orphans, drug addicts, and people with disabilities, according to the document, which concludes with a warning.

Believers are not obliged to accept the supernatural nature of Medjugorje; rather, they are encouraged to appreciate its pastoral value and the spiritual messages it conveys.

The Dicastery also calls on pilgrims visiting Medjugorje to seek an encounter with Mary, the Queen of Peace, rather than focusing on meetings with the alleged visionaries, as stated at the end of the document.

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