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New info centre for foreign workers opens in Zagreb

New info centre for foreign workers opens in Zagreb

The Mayor of Zagreb, Tomislav Tomašević, and UNHCR representative Anna Rich (Photo: Grad Zagreb)

The Mayor of Zagreb, Tomislav Tomašević, and UNHCR representative Anna Rich have opened a new information centre for foreign workers in Zagreb, aiming to assist with integration and administrative support.

The new information centre was officially opened by Mayor Tomašević and Anna Rich on Thursday at Petrinjska 31 in downtown Zagreb.

The new centre is for foreign workers and other foreigners, including those under international protection.

Mayor Tomašević and Anna Rich also signed a Cooperation Agreement between the City of Zagreb and UNHCR to support the centre’s activities, Grad Zagreb confirmed.

“I would like to take this opportunity to once again strongly condemn the attacks on foreign workers in Zagreb that have occurred in recent months. Foreign workers are an important part of our country’s economy, and it is absolutely unacceptable for them to face any difficulties, let alone physical attacks, simply because they have come here to work. The police are investigating these incidents, and I believe the perpetrators will be identified and severely punished,” said Mayor Tomašević.

The Mayor of Zagreb, Tomislav Tomašević, and UNHCR representative Anna Rich

(Photo: Grad Zagreb)

The centre will serve as a place where foreign workers can obtain information about their rights and obligations, receive assistance with administrative procedures, and overcome challenges related to language barriers.

They will also be informed about where they can learn the Croatian language, as there are approximately 20,000 foreign workers in Zagreb, around 13,000 of whom have limited knowledge of Croatian.

“Foreign workers are here – that’s a fact – and a key step towards integration is learning the language, which is why the City has launched Croatian language courses for them,” added the Mayor.

New info centre for foreign workers opens in Zagreb

(Photo: Grad Zagreb)

Mayor Tomašević expressed hope that other cities would follow suit, as the number of foreign workers is increasing in many cities across Croatia.

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