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Croatia in Top 10 Countries with Most Bald Men in 2024

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Male pattern baldness impacts millions of men globally, and it’s more common in certain regions than others.

Medihair, a leading platform for hair loss treatments with over 100,000 monthly users, recently conducted a global survey to discover which countries are most affected by male hair loss.

The Global Baldness Rankings: Western Countries on Top

According to the study, Western countries dominate the rankings for male hair loss.

The top three countries in the world with the highest percentage of bald men are Spain (44.50%), Italy (44.37%), and France (44.25%).

The United States and Germany also made up the top five, with Croatia ranked 6th (41.32%).

Croatia: 6th Baldest Country in the World

Croatia ranks 6th in the world for male baldness, making it one of the highest-ranked countries globally and a significant part of this trend in Europe. The country’s position, just behind Germany, highlights the prevalence of hair loss among Croatian men.

A Worldwide Phenomenon

While Western countries lead the list, the survey also highlights that male baldness is a global issue. Countries from every region appear in the top 20, proving that hair loss affects men regardless of geography.

From Asia to South America and the Middle East to Africa, male pattern baldness is a widespread condition.

Brazil and Argentina, for example, show high rates of baldness in South America, while Japan and India represent Asia in the global rankings.

The Middle Eastern nations of Saudi Arabia and the UAE also feature, as do South Africa and Egypt in Africa. Russia’s inclusion further demonstrates that this is not limited to specific climates or cultural lifestyles; rather, it is a global concern affecting diverse populations.

The differences in male hair loss percentages among countries can be attributed to several factors. Genetics play a primary role, but lifestyle elements such as diet, stress levels, and exposure to environmental pollutants also contribute.

In some Western countries, hair loss is often linked to the high levels of stress and the modern, fast-paced lifestyle that many men experience, Medihair said.

The Top 20 Baldest Countries in the World 2024

1. Spain
2. Italy
3. France
4. United States
5. Germany
6. Croatia
7. Canada
8. Czech Republic
9. Australia
10. Norway
11. New Zealand
12. United Kingdom
13. Turkey
14. Mexico
15. Saudi Arabia
16. Ireland
17. Switzerland
18. Russia
19. United Arab Emirates
20. Hungary

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