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Two Croatian picture books make best children’s literature catalogue

 Tata u pidžami

Tata u pidžami by Svjetlan Junaković

ZAGREB, 15 Oct (Hina) – The picture books “Darklets” by Igor Rajki and Klasja Habjan and “Papa in pyjamas” by Svjetlan Junaković have been included in the White Ravens catalogue of the best children’s books, which is published ahead of the Frankfurt Book Fair.

The White Ravens catalogue is published by the International Youth Library in Munich. This year’s list of recommendations for the best children’s titles from around the world includes short descriptions of over 200 notable new publications in 44 languages from 62 countries.

The books were selected by children’s literature experts to highlight titles that might appeal to an international audience due to their literary and artistic quality, as well as the themes they explore.

 Tata u pidžami by Svjetlan Junaković

Tata u pidžami by Svjetlan Junaković

The White Ravens 2024 catalogue will be presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair, and starting 21 October, the books will also be featured on Instagram at @thewhiteravens.books, under the hashtag #ravenoftheday.

All books from this year’s catalogue will also be displayed at the International Youth Library stand at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair next year.

“Darklets” (Tminica) tells the story of how, at the end of the day, darkness in the room begins to descend from the ceiling and rise from the floor, and what happens when the sprouts of darkness, darklets, are disturbed by large and small screens.

"Darklets" by Igor Rajki and Klasja Habjan

“Darklets” by Igor Rajki and Klasja Habjan

Rajki and Habjan won an award for the best picture book of 2023 for “Darklets,” and it was also included in the Zagreb National and University Library list of the most beautifully designed Croatian books.

“Papa in pyjamas” (Tata u pidžami) talks about the power of love that saves when things are toughest, about a father who one day does not go to work, and about a homework assignment that changes the mood of the whole family.

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