Cannabis Legalisation a Step Closer
- by croatiaweek
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The use of cannabis for medical purposes could soon become legal in Croatia after a Ministry of Health task force urged for legislation change…
The task force recommended that Croatia follow the model in nations such as Italy, Austria, Germany and Slovenia, and legalise the use of cannabis for medical purposes. New legislation would be required and efficient mechanisms put in place to prevent any abuse of the system. The task force said regulations around growing and selling would need to be put in place.
A number of people with medical conditions in Croatia are already using the substance to help with treatment.
“A lot of multiple sclerosis sufferers at the Split M.S society have used cannabis oil to ease their health problems. From what I see, almost half tried the oil. It is expensive so hard to get access to. The results however were obvious. Reduction in tremors, extended period of active work, increased balance and more movement, ” said physiotherapist Goran Jugović.
Anesthetist for pain and palliative medicine at the Karlovac General Hospital, Marijana Persoli-Gudelj, recalls how the effectiveness of cannabis oil has been proven many times.
“Patients get hold of it illegally and pay a lot for it. So, legalisation would stop the illegal market, improve the quality of life of patients, and in some cases the results of treatment,” Persoli-Gudelj said.