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Tourist Board in Bol on island of Brac launch “Our stories from Bol”

Zlatni rat (Photo credit: Ivo Biočina/Croatian National Tourist Board)

ZAGREB, May 4 (Hina) – The tourist board from Bol on the island of Brac is one of the first local tourist boards to launch a promotional project in cooperation with the local population and “Our stories from Bol” present their way of life and other interesting things about their town, the Bol TB announced.

The project includes stories of Bol’s inhabitants about their occupations, way of life, and other things. The tourist board is conducting it online, on its website and social media sites, where the interested public can find out, for example, what organic vegetables they can try in Bol, where they can find homemade goat products, what restaurant offers a plate with wild plants, etc.

“Through stories, photos, and videos of our local population we want to emphasise their importance, authenticity, collectivity and support, especially as tourism is ‘written’ in their genes. We have gathered them so that they could tell their guests and future visitors firsthand stories they could not read in any magazine, with a simple message: ‘See you in Bol!’,” the Bol Tourist Board emphasised.

They do not talk only about the already familiar Dominican monastery, from which a promenade runs to one of the most beautiful beaches in the world – Zlatni Rat, nor do they talk about popular cycling tracks and hotels, they talk about the history and the people who have lived for their little town for generations. Stories of local restaurateurs, small producers, hoteliers, and renters are also a focal point of the project.

“The goal is for the project to grow into a promotional campaign in which the inhabitants of Bol will actively participate because we think it is important for visitors to meet the people who take care of them. We also think it is a recipe for success, because who would tell our stories better than they will, right?” stated the Bol Tourist Board director, Markito Marinkovic.

He also announced that the board would continue to spread the campaign on social media in the following months.

In the perfectly imperfect video clips and photographs, Franci Marinkovic from the Pusa restaurant shares his story. Apart from the adored specialties with wild herbs, he always enchants his guests with singing and guitar playing.

Franci Marinkovic

For almost ten years, Meri Bodlović and her husband are dedicated to organic farming, and olive and wine growing on their family farm.

Meri Bodlovic

Mirjan and his mother, Irena, are successfully combining farming, production, and catering. Their specialty, Cheese in sugar, can be tasted at their tavern Dišpet.

Nikica Bodlović from the Bodlović family farm proudly talks about olives and their family olive grove with 250 olive trees and golden drops of their extra-virgin olive oil.

Pravdan Katic, a professional fisherman with 15 years of experience, enthusiastically talks about his job.

While playing the guitar, a favourite summer instrument, Pjerin Jugovic sings and plays the same way he used to many years ago to attract tourists.

Pjerin Jugovic

You can watch their video stories here.


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