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Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

The Consulate General of the Republic of Croatia in Mississauga and the Croatian community recently celebrated a momentous occasion: Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario.

This year’s commemoration was particularly special as it marked the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario, following the Croatian Heritage Day Act – introduced to the Parliament by MPP Donna Skelly at the initiative of the Croatian Consulate General in Mississauga with a wide support of the Croatian community – that came into force on April 25, 2024.

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

Croatian Heritage Day, set to be observed each year on May 30, is a testament to the rich cultural heritage, entrepreneurial spirit, and community engagement of Croatian Canadians. 

Flag Raising Ceremony at Queen’s Park

The festivities began with a solemn and dignified flag raising ceremony at Ontario’s Parliament in Queen’s Park, Toronto, organized by the Consulate General in Mississauga. The Croatian flag, a symbol of the nation’s resilience and independence, was raised by Consul General Ante Jović as dignitaries and community members gathered in a show of unity and pride.

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

In his address, Consul General Ante Jović spoke about the enduring friendship between Croatia and Canada, emphasizing the shared values and the contributions of Croatian Canadians to the fabric of Ontario’s society and the end result – the introduction of the Croatian Heritage Day.

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

The ceremony included speeches from the Speaker of the Parliament Ted Arnott and other members of Ontario’s parliament and a rendition of the Croatian and Canadian national anthems.

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

Consul General Jović presented Speaker Arnott with one of the symbols of Croatian identity – a personalized red-and white checkers jersey.

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

Illumination of Niagara Falls

As the sun set, another spectacular tribute to Croatia’s statehood and heritage took place. The iconic Niagara Falls were illuminated in the colors of the Croatian flag – red, white, and blue.

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

This breathtaking display, organized by the Consulate General in Mississauga, was not only a celebration of Croatian Statehood Day but also a recognition of the Croatian heritage in Canada’s most populous province – a symbol of the deep connection between Ontario and its Croatian community.

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

Reception organized in collaboration with the Canadian-Croatian Chamber of Commerce

The celebrations culminated in a reception organized by the Consulate General in collaboration with the Canadian-Croatian Chamber of Commerce and with the support from the Croatian National Tourist Board.

Held on the top floor of the Mississauga City Hall, overlooking the city, the reception was attended by community leaders, representatives of the various walks of Croatian life in Ontario, and government officials.

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

It served as a platform to commemorate, celebrate, and reflect on the Croatian Statehood Day and all the achievements of Croatia since May 30, 1990 as well as to celebrate the Croatian identity in Ontario and Canada.

“We are reminded that our identity is not confined by borders, political or natural. It is a living, breathing testament to the enduring power of our culture, language, and tradition.” said Consul General Jović.

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

He went on to say that the coinciding of Croatian Heritage Day with Croatian Statehood Day held profound symbolism and underscores the bond between the Croatian diaspora and the homeland, highlighting the enduring ties that bind us across oceans and generations.

To honor this historic occasion, the Canadian-Croatian Chamber of Commerce unveiled a unique commemorative coin for the distinguished guests, adding a tangible keepsake to the evening’s significance.

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

The evening featured traditional Croatian music performances and costumes, showcasing the vibrant cultural heritage of Croatia. Guests were served Croatian wines, highlighting the country’s rich winemaking traditions. The reception also provided an opportunity for networking and fostering stronger ties within the community and with the broader Canadian society.

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

Acknowledging Contributions and Looking Forward

The two-day celebration was more than just a series of events; it was a celebration of Croatian democracy and statehood and a heartfelt acknowledgment of the profound impact that Croatian Canadians have had on Ontario.

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

As Ontario looks forward to future celebrations of Croatian Heritage Day, there is a sense of optimism and pride within the Croatian Canadian community. These commemorations not only honour the past but also inspire future generations to continue the legacy of contribution and cultural preservation. 

Celebrating Croatian Statehood Day and the first ever Croatian Heritage Day in Ontario

Photo credits: Croatian Consulate General in Mississauga, Von Sajko Media, Walter Sudetic

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