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Christmas Holy Mass in Croatian tradition in Boston 

Christmas Holy Mass in Croatian in Boston

BOSTON, 23 December 2019 – For the third year in a row, the Croatian community in Boston have kept up with the tradition of holding a Christmas Holy Mass in Croatian with Fra Siniša Ubiparipovic, who is serving the US Catholic Church in Hingham, Massachusetts. 

This year, on December 14th, Fra Siniša Ubiparipovic conducted the Mass in Croatian once again which was attended by around 50 people.   

“Christmas time is always beautiful and special, because we put out the intention to remember all our deceased members of our family. The Mass collection was once again made for the Church of St. Joseph in Zenica, Bosnia and Hercegovina, for the purpose of helping poverty-stricken Senior Citizens,” said Marijana Petrovic. 

Fra Siniša Ubiparipovic with some of the kids

At the end of the Mass, Fra Siniša gave out a little faith and some love-filled gifts for the children, which his mother Mirjana Ubiparipovic had put together.

Mulled wine and Croatian food

Following the Mass, the evening was concluded with Croatian food, kuhano vino (mulled wine) and music.

Attendees socialised into the evening

“Keeping up with the faith, Fra Siniša has invited all who would like to have their house blessed in the New Year to sign up for January 20th, 2020. Please email your address to petrovic.miv@gmail.com.”

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