Croatia Has Ticket For EU Titanic?
- by croatiaweek
- in News
Earlier warnings that some EU countries would face mass civil unrest, and possibly even revolution as a result of austerity caused by the euro crisis, seems to be getting closer as police and protestors clashed in bloody battles across the continent on Wednesday.
With only months separating Croatia becoming a full member of the European Union, it seems that the EU Titanic has hit an iceberg and is slowly starting to sink as millions of workers went on strike across Europe to protest against austerity measures they say have made the economic crisis worse. In the Spanish capital Madrid, police used rubber bullets on its citizens as 81 people were arrested after citizens, frustrated by the state of the EU, kicked off at picket lines during yesterday’s protests.
It was no better in Italy as protestors hurled bottles and large firecrackers and clashed with riot police who fired tear gas and arrested bleeding protestors. Flights were cancelled all over Europe, factories and ports came to a standstill and public transport was almost non-existent in Spain and Portugal. There were also protests in Belgium, Poland and Greece.
Unrest is starting to grow fast with close to 26 million people unemployed in the European Union and low economic growth. Support for the EU is starting to wean with recent polls suggesting that half of the population in the United Kingdom want to pull out of the EU.