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Croatian firefighters rescue kitten stranded for four days

Voluntary Fire Brigade of Pribislavec rescue cat

(Photo: Vatrogasci Pribislavec)

Firefighters in Croatia recently rescued a kitten that had been stranded on a 20-metre-high tree for four days.

The operation, carried out by the Voluntary Fire Brigade of Pribislavec in the northern Croatian county of Međimurje, showcased the dedication and teamwork of the local community, ending with a heart-warming adoption.

A rare interventions with a happy ending

Firefighters from the Voluntary Fire Brigade of Pribislavec responded to an emergency call about a kitten that had been stranded for four days on a tree, approximately 20 metres high.

The poor animal, weakened and dehydrated, was in desperate need of help.

Upon receiving the alert from the Emergency Operations Centre in Čakovec, firefighter Petar Novak and his colleague Petar Hajdinjak swiftly arrived at the scene.

However, due to the height of the tree, accessing the kitten with standard ladders was impossible. Compounding the challenge, the fire brigade’s ladder truck was out of service due to a technical fault, as confirmed by the dispatcher.

Recognising the need for a different approach, the team reached out to a private company, VISLUX, who generously provided an aerial lift.

Voluntary Fire Brigade of Pribislavec

(Photo: Vatrogasci Pribislavec)

This equipment allowed the firefighters to be safely elevated to the kitten’s position and carry out the rescue without further risk.

With the help of the aerial lift and under the watchful eye of the Međimurje County Police, the brave firefighters managed to safely bring the kitten down. The operation concluded with the firefighters delivering the small, frightened animal to safety.

Voluntary Fire Brigade of Pribislavec rescue cat

(Photo: Vatrogasci Pribislavec)

Upon returning to the fire station, there was one more piece of heart-warming news: the kitten was adopted by Ivana Lesjak, the kind-hearted head of the Municipality of Pribislavec.

Thanks to her compassion, the little cat now enjoys the warmth of a loving home, far from its perilous perch.

Voluntary Fire Brigade of Pribislavec rescue cat

(Photo: Vatrogasci Pribislavec)

The rescue is a touching reminder of the dedication and kindness shown by local firefighters and community members, who came together to save a helpless soul.

You can see a video in the comments on the Facebook post below.

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