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Croatian heroes honoured at Arc de Triomphe in Paris 

Croatian heroes honoured at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris 

(Photo: Vesna Dizdar Spajić)

By Vesna Dizdar Spaji / Kristina Dizdar Kordi

This marks the 10th time that representatives of Croatian associations in France have been invited to participate in the ceremony of reviving the eternal flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier under the Arc de Triomphe.

This event honors Croatian soldiers who gave their lives for their homeland and freedom.

The ceremony is organized under the auspices of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Paris, led by Mrs. Senka Burić, Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in France, with the assistance of the Croatian military envoy, Colonel Sandra Jonić.

This honour dates back to 1956, when Croats from Paris, with Mirko Meter at the head of the Croatian Workers’ Committee, were given the opportunity to place a commemorative plaque on the Invalides in honour of Croatian soldiers who fought alongside the French army from Louis XIV to Napoleon.

Croatian heroes honoured at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris 

(Photo credit: Mirko Meter)

As Army General Zeller, military governor of Paris, said during his speech on October 28, 1956, that plaque “is intended to perpetuate the memory of Croatian soldiers who, in many periods of our history, mixed their blood with the blood of French soldiers, shared their suffering and their fame.”

On October 14, 2009, on the occasion of the anniversary of the creation of the Illyrian province, that ceremony was broadcast under the Arc de Triomphe in the presence of Croatian soldiers dressed in Napoleon’s uniforms.

Croatian heroes honoured at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris 

(Photo credit: Mirko Meter)

2024 marks the 10th edition of this ceremony, which has been held for several years on the day of Croatian statehood, with the intention of honouring all Croatian soldiers who died for their homeland and freedom.

At this year’s edition, Lijepa Naša was sung a cappella by Vesna Dizdar Spajić, and the French national anthem was sung by a French veteran.

After that, the leader of the ceremony announced the associations, and six young girls in national costumes brought wreaths that the representatives of the associations laid.

Croatian heroes honoured at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris 

(Photo: Vesna Dizdar Spajić)

Croatian heroes honoured at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris 

(Photo: Vesna Dizdar Spajić)

The young girls marked the cultural heritage of western Srijem (Josipa Spajić), Posavina (Emilija Kordić), Vrlika (Rea Lacić), Imotski (Anamaria Kordić), Makarska (Pavla Kordić) and Drniš (Lea Kordić) with their costumes, which contributed even more special features of the ceremony.

Croatian heroes honoured at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris 

(Photo: Vesna Dizdar Spajić)

This is the second time that young people participate in this ceremony in this way. We would like to thank the Centre for Traditional Cultural Heritage Zagreb for their help and support.

The end of the ceremony was marked by the revival of the eternal flame and the signing of the memorial book by Mrs. Burić and Jonić.

The Statehood Day celebration ended with a cocktail in the embassy with the presence of the Mriža klapa from Split, which sang the Croatian and French national anthems and Dalmatian songs to the greatest satisfaction of the guests.

Croatian heroes honoured at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris 

(Photo: Vesna Dizdar Spajić)

Croatian heroes honoured at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris 

(Photo: Vesna Dizdar Spajić)

Finally, the Croats of France are grateful to France, which made it possible to honour the Croatian soldiers who gave their lives for freedom, but they also want to say with this act that, together with France, they are part of the European Union that wants and defends peace and freedom.

Croatian heroes honoured at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris 

(Photo: Vesna Dizdar Spajić)

Those who took part: CRICCF – HSK• Association of Croats from the Cote d’Azur • Croatian Catholic Mission – Paris • AMCA• Croats from the North• Croats from Lille• Embassy of the Republic of Croatia – Paris



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