Croatian Paralympic Committee & Japanese foundation sign orthopaedic aids agreement
- by croatiaweek
- in Sport

(Photo: Paraolimpijac)
ZAGREB, Oct 30 (Hina) – The Croatian Paralympic Committee (HPO) and Japan’s Tetsudokosaikai (Kousaikai) foundation signed in Zagreb on Monday a memorandum on cooperation aimed at exchanging experiences and developing orthopaedic aids.
“Our aim is to see the state-of-the-art solutions in sports orthopaedics,” HPO Ratko Kovacic said, adding that the Tokyo-based foundation is Japan’s main provider of innovative solutions in this field.
“Today, Kousaikai representatives will present their know-how and experience to Croatian manufacturers in order to bolster economic cooperation, innovation, and the development of orthopaedics, which is very important for both countries”, said Japanese Ambassador Keiji Takiguchi.
At the signing ceremony, Kousaikai president Katsumi Asai gave HPO two state-of-the-art sports prosthetic devices.
“We are the leading company for the development of orthopaedic aids in Japan and this is the first cooperation agreement we have signed abroad. Therefore we are very happy that this visit will result in the progress of Croatia’s Paralympic sports”, he said.
Japan and Tokyo will host the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics.
This year Japan and Croatia are marking 25 years of diplomatic relations.