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Croatian town of Đakovo prepares for Europe’s top folklore festival

53rd Đakovo Folklore Festival (Photo: Ured Presjednice)

Đakovo Folklore Festival (Photo: Ured Presjednice)

ZAGREB, 29 June (Hina) – This year’s 58th Đakovački Vezovi folklore festival is taking place from 21 June to 7 July, and its main programme will take place on 5-7 July, with Bulgaria as the partner-country, Đakovo Mayor Marin Mandarić and Đakovo Tourist Board head Marija Borko said on Friday.

Mandarić recalled that last year’s edition was declared the tourist event of the year, noting that this year’s festival would be officially opened on 5 July at a ceremony outside the Đakovo Cathedral.

Around 10,000 participants are expected to attend, and the most attractive part of the programme – a ceremonial procession of folklore ensembles – will be held on 7 July.

Participating in the procession will be 2,400 members of some 60 folklore troupes from Croatia, the USA, India, Switzerland, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and other countries. The procession will also include horse-drawn wedding carriages and riders, Borko said.

Đakovo Folklore Festival

Đakovo Folklore Festival (Photo: Ured Presjednice)

On 30 June, 31 children’s folklore troupes, with around 1,200 members, will walk in a procession through the city centre.

Đakovački Vezovi is one of the biggest folklore festivals in Croatia and Europe, established in 1967.

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