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Eco-bin ashtrays help keep Croatian island beaches clean

eco bin on Croatia beach

(Photo: LAG 5)

To ensure Croatian beaches and environment remain pristine, especially during the summer months when tourism significantly increases waste, LAG 5 has launched the “Protect Our Islands” project in partnership with local stakeholders.

The project aims to encourage responsible and conscientious behaviour, and to minimise the amount of small marine litter, predominantly composed of plastic, metal, glass, rubber, and paper.

Among the most commonly found items on beaches are cigarette filters.

Cigarette filters are made from a type of plastic that is not biodegradable and contain harmful chemicals that pose a threat to the environment and the health of both humans and animals.

eco bin on Croatia beach

(Photo: LAG 5)

Cigarette butts that end up in the sea are particularly dangerous, as a single butt can contaminate up to 500 litres of water, and their decomposition can take up to five years.

Inspired by the positive impact we can achieve for our community, LAG 5, following a proposal from the Lastovo Tourist Board, has implemented the “Protect Our Islands” project.

This initiative includes the free distribution of eco-bins throughout the area. An eco-bin is a small, functional container designed for the temporary disposal of non-biodegradable small waste.

eco bin on Croatia beach

(Photo: LAG 5)

Due to its ecological function and long-term use, the eco-bin is made from environmentally friendly, recycled, and fire-resistant plastic that can be maintained and recycled.

The project has secured 2,100 eco-bin ashtrays for beaches and produced bilingual stickers, posters, and leaflets to educate visitors and locals about the harmful effects of discarding cigarette butts in nature, as well as other environmentally damaging behaviours.

Eco-Bins help keep Croatian island beaches clean

(Photo: LAG 5)

All printed materials feature the donor’s logo, and distribution of these materials has recently begun in collaboration with local tourism service providers (agencies, renters, hospitality businesses, family farms, crafts) and in the offices of the Lastovo Municipality Tourist Board, the Lumbarda Municipality, and the city of Korčula.

eco bin on Croatia beach

(Photo: LAG 5)

The project is funded by the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds with a grant of €5,652.00, awarded through a public call for projects aimed at promoting the development of civil society on the islands in 2023. The project duration is from 1 October 2023 to 1 October 2024, with LAG 5 as the project leader and partners including the Lastovo, Korčula, and Lumbarda Tourist Boards.

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