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Ružica – the most beautiful rose on Papuk

The impressive fortress above Orahovica worth visiting 

(Photo: Hrvoje Jurić)

On the steep cliffs of the Papuk foothills above Orahovica in eastern Croatia, at just under 400 meters above sea level, a place called Ružica grad – Rose Town – has become a tribute to ancient times. Here, love stories wrapped in legends and secrets from the era of nobles have come to life.

Nestled on a hill, it is the largest preserved fortified city in Slavonia. Its hinterland is protected by mountains and forests, offering beautiful vistas from three sides.

Nature lovers, enthusiasts of legends, and history buffs will enjoy a walk through the Nature Park and UNESCO Geopark Papuk to the medieval city. 

After an hour’s walk through the forested area, you reach a clearing at the foot of the impressive medieval structure. Behind its walls lived nobles, lords, soldiers, and servants. Ružica grad had towers, turrets, ceremonial halls, a chapel, workshops, and even a dungeon…

The impressive fortress above Orahovica worth visiting 

(Photo: Hrvoje Jurić)

Legend of the Black Knight

This fortress is protected as a monument of the highest cultural category, mentioned in 1357, but the exact time and manner of its construction remain a mystery, such as how large stone blocks were transported up the steep slope. 

The origin of its name is also unknown, but numerous legends surround it. One legend suggests that fairies destroyed everything built during the day until the magical Ružica (Rose) was incorporated into the walls, and her weeping, if you listen carefully, can still be heard today. 

Another tale tells of how the beautiful princess Ružica (Rose) threw herself from the tallest tower when the Black Knight won a tournament for her hand. It is said that wild roses, as red as blood, sprouted on the clearing…

The impressive fortress above Orahovica worth visiting 

(Photo: Hrvoje Jurić)

The New Look of the “Slavonian Sea”

To reach the Rose Town follow a forest path from the popular Orahovica bathing spot, Jezero, and newly built bungalows within the Tourist-Recreational Center “Jezero – Hercegovac – Rose of the City.”

“This is an exceptionally valuable and currently the largest tourism project in the Virovitica-Podravina County. Along with 14 bungalows with 28 beds, Orahovica Lake will also have a new Educational Center Orahovica, spanning four floors, with two floors reserved for 18 double rooms and four apartments.

The rest of the complex will feature a versatile conference hall, multiple smaller workshop spaces, reception, information desk, all accompanied by numerous multimedia content aimed at presenting the Papuk Nature Park. 

The impressive fortress above Orahovica worth visiting 

(Photo: Hrvoje Jurić)

A mobile hologram will also be available for field trips, allowing students to learn about the importance of biodiversity conservation in a fun way. I believe that after the completion of this project, Orahovica Lake, one of the most beautiful swimming spots in this part of Croatia, will attract athletes, recreational enthusiasts, nature lovers, those seeking relaxation, and families in search of vacation.

Those craving adrenaline will also find excitement, as the nearby Hercegovac Lake will have adrenaline activities and a zip line connecting its shores,” said Josip Mikolčić from the Tourist Board of Virovitica-Podravina County, one of the partners in this 10.8 million-euro project. 

Its significance has been recognised by the European Union, which is co-financing it with over nine million euros from the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Program “Competitiveness and Cohesion” 2014-2020.

The impressive fortress above Orahovica worth visiting 

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