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HDZ Against Naming Street in Croatia After Ex-Yugo Rock Star

Leading opposition political party the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), are up in arms about the naming of a street in the capital Zagreb after a part Serb Ex-Yugoslav rock star.

HDZ representative Margareta Maderic will look to have the point of naming the Milan Mladenovic street postponed at tomorrow’s City Council meeting. Mladenovic, who was born in Zagreb to a Serbian father and a Croatian mother, was a musician who was best known as frontman of the popular Yugoslav art rock band Ekatarina Velika.

Maderic says that the group was “not that popular in Croatia and was not that important to have a street in the capital named after them”. Maderic added that it was not a good message to be sending out, considering band members history with addictions. Mladenovic is set to have a street named after him in Novi (New)  Zagreb confirmed on 19 November. Mladenovic died of cancer at the age of 36.

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