Institut IGH awarded over 12 million kuna worth of contracts by Croatian Roads
- by croatiaweek
- in Business

(Photo: Institut IGH)
Zagreb, 25.06. 2020 – Upon completion of public procurement procedures, Institut IGH was awarded three new contracts by the Croatian Roads, for the supervision of construction and reconstruction works on three traffic routes worth app. HRK 12,3 million in total.
The services include complete supervision of construction works on an express road somewhat over 6 kilometers long, passing through Karlovac towards Split, which will improve transport safety and traffic flow capacity, especially during summer, a period of increased traffic volume. In addition, the new road will completely bypass Turanj, a suburb of Karlovac with significant traffic load, and will connect to the existing Korana Bridge. As already mentioned, IGH will perform supervision works, together with a partner. The value of these contracted works for the Company is HRK 4,606.992,00.
The subject of the second contract is also the complete supervision of construction works on the 3,2 km long Beli Manastir Bypass, which will offer a better traffic solution, especially transit traffic which passes through the center of Beli Manastir. This is extremely important, because, with further construction of the Corridor Vc motorway it is expected that additional emphasis will be placed precisely on transit transport. The value of contracted works to IGH is HRK 3,379.990,00. The completion deadline is 22 months starting from the date of on-site establishment.
And, finally, the third contract includes supervision of the reconstruction works of the new pavement structure on the state road between the village of Normanci and the Petrijevci Municipality, somewhat over 17 kilometers long. What is particularly interesting about the project is the planned construction of 14 kilometers of new cycling lanes along with the reconstruction and extension of 9 km of pedestrian lanes. The completion deadline is 24 months, and IGH will conduct complete supervision works. The value of contracted works for the Company is HRK 4,300.020,00.
In addition, recently the company signed a contract for supervision and quality control of the renovation of Krk Bridge worth just over 1,000.000,00 million HRK.
IGH currently has around 1000 active contracts for the number of services it offers, primarily in civil engineering, making it the leading engineering company in the construction sector in the region. In addition, during 2019 and this year, IGH has employed over 100 new colleagues, meaning the company now has over 500 employees, and new employment opportunities are planned in the upcoming period.