KBC Split becomes first hospital in Croatia to have its own therapy dog – meet Dora
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(Photo credit: KBC Split)
KBC Split has become the first hospital in Croatia to have its own therapy dog, named Dora.
The one and a half-year-old royal poodle has joined the Department of Psychology and Educational Rehabilitation of the Clinic for Children’s Diseases at KBC Split.
In addition to conventional approaches, children will have the opportunity to experience innovative methods of therapy that involve a specially trained dog. This approach is available in numerous countries throughout Europe and the world, and the KBC Split is the first hospital in Croatia to provide this type of intervention.
On Dora’s second day at the hospital, many employees gathered to welcome her, and a lecture entitled “Say Yes to a Therapy Dog” was held, KBC Split said.
During the lecture, interested individuals learned about the benefits of introducing therapy dogs as part of the occupational therapist’s intervention at the Clinic for Children’s Diseases.
Mira Katalenić, the President of the Croatian Association for Guide Dogs and Mobility Training, spoke about the history and activities of the association and their cooperation and support for this project. She explained the importance of animal-assisted therapy, which improves the physical, social, emotional, and/or cognitive functioning of the participants. Lana Glavan, a dog helper instructor, explained the training process and emphasized that dogs become motivators and collaborators in creating work therapy interventions.

(Photo credit: KBC Split)
Matea Videk, a work therapist and the head of the therapy dog for KBC Split, revealed how Dora would help child patients at KBC Split.
She highlighted that the planned activities with the therapy dog are individual work therapy procedures focused on therapeutic feeding, sensory integration, floor time approach focused on the development of social skills and games, group cognitive-behavioural psychotherapies with school-age children with a wide range of difficulties within the Day Hospital of the Clinic for Children’s Diseases, as well as preparation through play for medical procedures and occasional visits by the dog to long-hospitalized patients.

(Photo credit: KBC Split)
Professor Primarius Dr. sc. Julije Meštrović, the Director of KBC Split, expressed his joy that this project, which has been in the works for over a year, has been successfully implemented. “Medical care for children increasingly requires a multidisciplinary approach, particularly in the context of the emergence of new childhood diseases and disorders, which KBC Split addresses by employing child psychologists, educational rehabilitators, speech therapists, occupational therapists, and even therapy dogs,” he said.

(Photo credit: KBC Split)
He expressed his gratitude to everyone who helped make this great and beautiful step forward for young patients. He also reminded everyone that preparatory work is underway for the construction of the Center for Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children and Youth. Dr. Branka Polić, Head of the Clinic for Children’s Diseases at KBC Split, expressed her gratitude and confirmed that Dora was warmly welcomed by the hospital staff and children who will be spending every day with her.