Home » Entertainment » Learning Croatian: Phrase of the Week – Like Father, Like Son

Learning Croatian: Phrase of the Week – Like Father, Like Son


You know some basic Croatian, enough to get you by, but there is nothing that will impress more than knowing a local phrase or slang that you can slip into a conversation…

Our ‘Word / Phrase of the Week will teach you a variety of words and phrases commonly used in Croatia, but not commonly found in language learning material.

Today’s phrase:

Jabuka ne pada daleko od stabla

The phrase ‘Jabuka ne pada daleko od stabla’ basically is the equivalent of the English phrase ‘Like father, like son.’ It literally translates as ‘The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.’

 (photo credit: Benjamin Postlewait/flickr.com)

(photo credit: Benjamin Postlewait/flickr.com)

If you have a suggestion for ‘Word / Phrase of the Day’, then submit them to croatiaweek1@gmail.com to be published.

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