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Meet the man cycling 1,000 km in one go for Vukovar kids

Meet the man cycling 1,000 km in one go for Vukovar kids

Ive Radić (Private album)

Cyclist and adventurer, Ive Radić, a member of the Cetina Adventure Club from Sinj, is setting off on a thousand-kilometre ride from Zagreb, through Vukovar, to his hometown of Sinj. 

The goal of this journey is to raise funds to support children with developmental difficulties and their families in Vukovar.

Ive will begin his adventure on May 28 from Ban Josip Jelačić Square in Zagreb. 

He will ride through the Podravina region, passing through Križevci, Koprivnica, Virovitica, and Osijek, before reaching his final destination, Vukovar. 

Meet the man cycling 1,000 km in one go for Vukovar kids

(Private album)

There, he will be greeted by members of the “Tko se boji sutra još” Association for parents of children with developmental difficulties, the beneficiaries of Ive’s ride, at the iconic Vukovar Water Tower. 

After spending time with the association members, Ive will continue his journey along the Posavina road to Plitvice Lakes, and then head south to the heart of Sinj. 

The total distance he plans to cover “in one go” is 1000 kilometres. 

“Such endeavours are certainly challenging, but knowing why I’m doing it and that every kilometre is dedicated to the children and their families in the association makes everything much easier. 

The ride won’t be a problem; I’m most excited to reach Vukovar and meet with everyone from the Association and then successfully finish my mission in Sinj. I deeply thank everyone who will follow this journey, provide support, and donate to the Association, making this action even more beautiful!” said Ive Radić.

Meet the man cycling 1,000 km in one go for Vukovar kids

(Private album)

This incredibly physically demanding ride has a humanitarian purpose: to raise funds for adapting and equipping the space of the “Tko se boji sutra još” Association in Vukovar. 

The association cares for 107 children and young people with developmental difficulties. Providing adequate conditions for their rehabilitation and daily activities is crucial for their development and integration into the community. 

Meet the man cycling 1,000 km in one go for Vukovar kids

(Private album)

Although the City of Vukovar has provided them with a property, it needs renovation and adaptation to meet the specific needs of children with developmental difficulties. 

The funds raised will go towards adapting a gym for exercises and therapies, equipping rooms for young users, building a wheelchair access ramp, and outfitting the space with two small offices, a kitchenette, a gym, and a playroom.

Meet the man cycling 1,000 km in one go for Vukovar kids

(Private album)

“We are a relatively young non-profit organisation founded by parents of children with developmental difficulties, enthusiasts in Vukovar, a handful of volunteers wishing to help our and other children and young people not included in other service providers or those who have left the adapted education system. 

We have not set an age category for users nor the severity of developmental difficulties, so we are currently working in inadequate conditions with over 100 members with severe and permanent health impairments, mobility issues, cerebral palsy, autism, severe mental retardation, and syndromes. 

Finally, after four years of renting space, the City of Vukovar has given us a property that meets our needs in terms of space, but it requires renovation and outfitting with necessary materials. Even parents of the children, members of the association, volunteer in the renovation, which is a significant saving, and we have succeeded in that. 

Meet the man cycling 1,000 km in one go for Vukovar kids

(Private album)

What follows now is the phase of furnishing with furniture and equipment. 

We must highlight how happy we are that there are still people like the dear Ive Radić, who will break personal records for us, solidifying the friendship between the cities of Sinj and Vukovar, and showing that small people can indeed change the future for the better for those most in need with their great deeds,” said Maja Prakaturović from the Association.

Everyone is invited to support this noble initiative and help create better conditions for children and young people with developmental difficulties.

You can donate and show your support through the website https://www.cinipravustvar.hr/izazovi/1000-km-za-male-vukovarce/581 or by transferring funds to the account:

Association for Support and Assistance to Parents of Children with Developmental Difficulties and their Families “Tko se boji sutra još” – Vukovar

Vukovarskih vitezova 37, 32000 Vukovar
Phone: 098/ 636-408
Bank account at Addiko Bank: HR9825000091101503427, OIB: 9532091617
Email: [email protected], Registry number: 16002368

Meet the man cycling 1,000 km in one go for Vukovar kids

(Private album)

You can follow Ive’s adventure on Facebook here.

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