Mura-Drava-Danube Transboundary Biosphere Reserve named on Best Eco-Friendly Places to Visit 2022 list
- by croatiaweek
- in Travel

The confluence of the Drava River (foreground) and Mura near Legrad, Croatia (Photo: BikeMike/Public Domain)
With travel on the rise, post worldwide lockdown, many people are changing their attitudes towards travel and eco-tourism is at the fore.
Global travel site Big 7 Travel has selected 50 destinations around the globe that are doing good for the planet.
Each of these cities, regions or countries has committed to protecting natural resources, people or heritage. From renewable energy, ESG financing to community-led projects and initiatives.
Making the list in 13th place is the Mura-Drava-Danube Transboundary Biosphere Reserve in Croatia & Austria.
Billed as the ‘Amazon of Europe’, this newly declared Unesco biosphere sprawls across a hefty 930,000 hectares. It’s the world’s first five-country Biosphere Reserve (TBR MDD), spread across Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia and Serbia. The biosphere protects the largest semi-natural river and floodplain ecosystem in Central Europe along the Mura, Drava and Danube Rivers. It’s also home to the highest density of breeding pairs of white-tailed eagles and endangered species, such as the black stork, beaver, and otter – Big 7 Travel writes.
You can see the list of the 50 Best Eco-Friendly Places To Visit In 2022 here.