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November driving changes in Croatia: What to know to avoid fines

Zagreb streets


In November, two significant changes are coming for drivers in Croatia.

One relates to vehicle lighting, and the other to required vehicle equipment.

With daylight saving time in Croatia ending on the last Sunday in October (27th), shorter days and longer nights are ahead and important changes affecting motor vehicles are being introduced.

From 1st November, it will be mandatory in Croatia to drive with headlights on during the day.

This requirement lasts until 31st March and applies to all motor vehicles, which must use daytime or dipped headlights. For moped and motorcycle drivers, the rule of keeping dipped headlights on during the day remains in effect year-round, Dnevnik.hr reported.

If the police catch you without your lights on, the fine is €30.

Other types of road users, including cyclists and operators of personal transport devices like electric scooters, must also use lights—from dusk until dawn (at night) and in conditions of reduced visibility.

These vehicles must have a white light at the front and a red light at the rear.

The fine for not following these rules is €60. This is the standard penalty for not using lights at night or in poor visibility for all drivers throughout the year.

The requirement for winter equipment on vehicles in Croatia begins 15 days after the obligation for daytime headlights.

The first mandatory day for winter tyres and other winter equipment is 15th November, although it is recommended that summer tyres be replaced earlier if needed, as soon as winter driving conditions begin, or when the temperature drops below 7°C.

Winter equipment is required until 15th April for all types of motor vehicles, regardless of weather conditions or road surface state, on all designated winter sections of public roads. The only exception is military vehicles.

Winter equipment means that vehicles must have either four winter tyres or four summer tyres (with a minimum tread depth of 4 mm) along with snow chains for the drive wheels.

The fine for driving without winter equipment during the specified period is €130.

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