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One of the most aggressive tumours treated in Croatia for the first time

KBC Split

(Photo: KBC Split)

In a groundbreaking medical achievement, the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology at the Clinical Hospital Centre (KBC) Split has successfully performed its first removal of a highly malignant osteosarcoma tumour from the tibia in Croatia.

Osteosarcoma is among the most aggressive tumours in the human body.

Due to the complexity of such procedures, patients in Croatia were previously referred abroad for treatment.

This milestone procedure was conducted on a young man from Split, who is now recovering well. During the surgery, the medical team completely removed his knee joint and the upper 17 centimetres of the tibia.

These were replaced with a special tumour prosthesis and an implant substituting the removed bone. The resulting defect was then primarily closed and covered with a skin-muscle flap.

The operation was carried out by the team from the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, with the guidance of special guest Dr. Marko Bergovec, head of the Clinic for Orthopaedics and Traumatology at the Diakonissen Clinic in Schladming and a leading expert in reconstructive and tumour orthopaedic surgery, KBC Split said.

The staff of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology are extremely pleased that the patient and his family entrusted them to perform this complex and demanding procedure at KBC Split, instead of seeking treatment at foreign clinics.

KBC Split

(Photo: KBC Split)

This success marks a significant advancement in the capabilities of Croatian healthcare, offering patients access to high-level medical procedures within the country.

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