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Plans for thermal lake and spa complex in Zagreb

Thermal spa in Zagreb


Over four decades ago, hot water was discovered in Zagreb, revealing that the city sits on rich sources of geothermal energy.

However, only a small portion of this potential is currently utilised. To change this in the future, the Faculty of Mining, Geology, and Petroleum Engineering has prepared the necessary documentation for obtaining permits to construct drilling wells.

The Mladost Pools, athletic stadium, and the Faculty of Kinesiology are already part of a system that uses geothermal energy for heating.

Plans to expand this system are increasing. In September, the student dormitory Stjepan Radić at Sava will be connected to the system.

The future children’s hospital in Blato is also expected to use geothermal energy, and next year, it is planned to connect to the HEP Toplinarstvo network.

The main advantage of using this type of energy is lower costs.

“Currently, only a small percentage of Zagreb’s geothermal potential is being utilised, between 5 to 10 percent, depending on whether it’s summer or winter. The potential is much greater. In a few years, four to five years, we could replace fossil energy sources for heating with these types of energy.

The temperature of the water is more than sufficient for heating residential buildings, Professor Vladislav Brkić, Dean of the Faculty of Mining, Geology, and Petroleum Engineering told Radio Sljeme.

Residents and visitors will also be delighted by the announcement of the construction of a thermal lake in Blato.

The city of Zagreb has already designated 370,000 square meters of land for a thermal bath, near the hospital in Blato, right next to the golf course. Currently, property and legal issues are being resolved.

golf course in Zagreb

Golf course near Blato in Zagreb (Photo credit: J Duval/Zagreb Tourist Board)

Additionally, the city is working with the state to resolve property and legal issues for the hospital as well. We have several interested investors and have already developed a conceptual design for the project. This would be the largest geothermal lake in Europe, open like a volcanic crater for bathing, announced Željko Jurilj, the concessionaire of the Zagreb geothermal field.

Alongside the thermal bath, various spas and sports-recreational facilities would also be built.


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