Split to host startup competition STup! for young entrepreneurs
- by croatiaweek
- in Business

Split to host STup! – startup competition giving young entrepreneurs chance to present their ideas
Following its basic postulates – encouraging entrepreneurial awareness and skills among young people, the Student Entrepreneurship Incubator at the Faculty of Economics in Split is organising the second edition of the international student startup competition called STup! 2021, with the support of the City of Split, the University of Split, the Alliance of the European University of the Sea (Sea-EU), and the organisation WorldChicago.
Although last year COVID-19 prevented the competition from taking place, this year the competition will be held on June 18 – 19 in a hybrid edition.
The competition itself will be held by combining a live performance at the Faculty of Economics, University of Split, and online participation through the Zoom platform. The number of live participants will primarily depend on the epidemiological situation and recommendations.
As the name of the competition itself says, three important things are emphasised through this event – Students, Startups, and Split.
It is important to emphasise that this is a competition organised by students for students, in the desire for mutual support in the realisation of entrepreneurial endeavour.
Through the event, Stup! organisation wants to enable competitors and visitors to connect, improve the entrepreneurial culture among students, and exchange ideas and experiences at the international level. For two days, as long as this year’s event lasts, the city of Split will be a stage for innovation, new technologies and ideas, with which university projects will try to secure the attention of renowned experts, potential clients, and investors.
In recent years, Split has been steadily building an image of a city that is not only an association to tourism but overall prosperity. In addition to development, innovations are imposed and often associated with youthful imagination, ambition, and courage to step into a better tomorrow. It is that step into a better tomorrow that university startups from various parts of the world will be looking for “Under the Golden Sun”.
The main goal of the event is to provide support to student startups and allow young entrepreneurs to present their work on the global startup scene.
STUP! will bring together local and international IT startups, entrepreneurs, representatives of incubators, accelerators, and companies and investors, so that, in addition to competitors, investors and accelerators will present themselves with programs for young innovators and startups.
This year’s programme of the event, as well as applications, can be found on the official website www.stup.efst.hr, and you can follow all activities through the social media of the Student Entrepreneurship Incubator.