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Sticking to the left lane on Croatian motorways could cost you

Croatia motorway


A common sight on Croatian motorways is drivers sticking to the left lane without overtaking, even when the right lane is free.

While this may seem harmless to some, it is not only frustrating for other drivers but also dangerous – and punishable by law.

What Does the Law Say?

According to Croatia’s Road Traffic Safety Act, vehicles on the motorway must use the far-right lane unless it is blocked by traffic. The left lane should only be used for overtaking, Hrvatski autoklub (HAK) said.

Once the manoeuvre is complete, drivers are required to return to the right lane.

The law also strictly prohibits dangerous behaviours such as:

• Weaving between lanes (slalom driving)
• Overtaking via the emergency lane
• Flashing headlights or honking to pressure other drivers
• Any manoeuvres that could endanger other road users

Safe Following Distance

Maintaining a safe distance is another key rule. Drivers must keep enough space between their vehicle and the one in front, ensuring they can stop safely if needed.

The general rule is a minimum of two seconds at normal speeds. In heavy traffic moving at slower speeds, this can be reduced but must still allow at least one second of reaction time.

What’s the Penalty?

Failing to follow these rules can be costly. Drivers caught misusing the left lane face a fine of €260 and receive one penalty point on their driving record.

The Bottom Line

To ensure smoother and safer journeys for everyone on Croatian motorways, always keep right unless overtaking. Avoid unnecessary risks, respect traffic laws, and stay safe on the road.

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