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Swimmers on island of Krk warned about dolphin

Dolphin on Krk Croatia

(Photo: Blue World Institute)

The Blue World Institute in Croatia has issued a warning about a short-beaked dolphin spotted on Krk, displaying unusual behaviour.

The dolphin is staying in harbours and allowing people to approach it.

The Blue World Institute has reported that in the area, a short-beaked dolphin is exhibiting unusual behaviour, lingering in harbours and permitting people to come near.

“Exhibiting Unusual Behaviour”

According to the Blue World Institute, they have been monitoring this dolphin for two years. This the message is from the Blue World Institute:

It is in good health, shows no signs of illness, dives normally, and is not malnourished. However, this particular dolphin is a solitary one, separated from the rest of its species for unknown reasons.

We must be aware that intense interaction with humans inevitably poses a risk, both to the dolphin and to humans.

Dolphins can transmit numerous serious and hard-to-cure diseases—zoonoses—such as tuberculosis, leptospirosis, and others.

Dolphin on Krk Croatia

(Photo: Blue World Institute)

Similarly, humans can transmit diseases to the dolphin population during close interactions, which could lead to the death of a large number of animals.

Therefore, swimming with them, especially touching them, should definitely be avoided! Dolphins are strictly protected animals, and it is prohibited to disturb them (attempting to feed, swim with, touch, or chase them). We urge you to:

• Avoid attempting direct contact with dolphins

• Do not offer food to the dolphins

• Observe dolphins from a safe distance and monitor their behaviour

• Do not chase dolphins (do not approach them by boat or swimming)

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