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The leg that carried Christ and all the sins of the world is in Šibenik Cathedral

St James Cathedral

St James Cathedral in Šibenik

by Zoran Rajn

Saint Christopher’s legend tells the tale of his journey in search of truth and meaning. Initially serving a powerful king, he witnessed the king’s fear of the devil, leading him to serve the devil. However, upon witnessing the devil’s fear of Christ, Saint Christopher realized the ultimate power lay in serving Christ. This revelation transformed him, prompting him to dedicate his life to seeking Christ and becoming an iconic Christ-bearer.

Legend has it that Saint Christopher was a man of great strength and stature who devoted his life to serving others. Originally named Reprobus, he sought a life of service and decided to dedicate himself to Christ after encountering a hermit who introduced him to Christianity.

Seeking to follow Christ’s teachings, Reprobus chose a life of aiding travelers in crossing a treacherous river.

One fateful day, while carrying a child across the river, he found the child’s weight inexplicably growing heavier with each step. Despite the challenging burden, Reprobus persisted until he safely reached the other side.

To his astonishment, the child revealed himself to be the Christ Child, and the heavy load he carried was the weight of the world’s sins. In this profound moment, Reprobus was baptized by the name Christopher, which means “Christ-bearer.”

Saint Christopher is traditionally known as the patron saint of travelers, drivers, motorists, sailors, and those who embark on journeys.

Saint Christopher Carrying the Christ Child

Saint Christopher Carrying the Christ Child (Photo: courtesy of the Cleveland Museum of Art)

He is often invoked for protection during travel, seeking safe passage and guidance in the face of dangers and obstacles. Saint Christopher is regarded as a protector and guardian, and many people wear medals or carry tokens with his image for protection during their travels. He is counted among the Fourteen Holy Helpers, whom the faithful call to help in the event of various natural disasters and illnesses.

The image of Christopher was often displayed at church entrances and on city gates throughout the Middle Ages since it was thought that anyone who looked at the saint’s image on that day would not perish and could travel wherever because Christopher would protect him.

In the Cathedral of St. James in Šibenik, which is on the UNESCO list, there is an undecayed leg of St. Christopher, the second patron of the city of Šibenik and the Diocese of Šibenik, along with St. Michael the Archangel.

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St James Cathedral in Šibenik

Traditionally, the reliquary with the powers of St. Christopher is opened for worship on the eve of the holiday, on July 26.

In the Christian tradition, St. James and St. Christopher are celebrated on July 25, but the Šibenik Diocese separates these two celebrations on two special days, so St. James is celebrated on July 25 and St. Christopher on July 27.

Saint Christopher is also especially honored on the island of Rab, and every year from July 25 to 27, the Rab Fair (Rabska Fjera) is held in his honor.

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