Home » Entertainment » Valentine’s tradition in Vukovar – couples together over 50 years party

Valentine’s tradition in Vukovar – couples together over 50 years party

Vukovar Valentine’s Day

(Photo: Grad Vukovar/Miroslav Šlafhauzer)

For the 14th year in a row, the Croatian city of Vukovar has marked Valentine’s Day in a special way—celebrating married couples who have been together for 50 years or more.

The city organised a festive lunch for these couples, ensuring they could enjoy the day with joy and companionship. Mayor Ivan Penava and his team also joined the celebration.

Vukovar Valentine’s Day

(Photo: Grad Vukovar/Miroslav Šlafhauzer)

Mayor Penava highlighted how wonderful it was to see 45 happy couples who have spent more than half a century together.

Vukovar Valentine’s Day

(Photo: Grad Vukovar/Miroslav Šlafhauzer)

He emphasised that their long-lasting marriages are a testament to the power of love and respect.

Vukovar Valentine’s Day

(Photo: Grad Vukovar/Miroslav Šlafhauzer)

“We traditionally organise this event on Valentine’s Day to show our care for our elderly citizens and to make this day special for them. Hearing their life stories and the length of their marriages is truly inspiring.

Vukovar Valentine’s Day

(Photo: Grad Vukovar/Miroslav Šlafhauzer)

They set an example for younger generations, showing that perseverance pays off and that, despite differences, there is always a way to find happiness and harmony,” said Penava. He also wished the couples a happy Valentine’s Day filled with love and many more years together.

Vukovar Valentine’s Day

(Photo: Grad Vukovar/Miroslav Šlafhauzer)

The celebration was particularly special for Ivan and Marija Grubišić, who were married on 1 November 1958. They were the longest-married couple at the event, celebrating an incredible 66 years of marriage.

Vukovar Valentine’s Day

(Photo: Grad Vukovar/Miroslav Šlafhauzer)

The festivities continued with music from the tamburica band “Sremci” and a traditional “Dance of the Hearts,” creating a warm and happy atmosphere that lasted into the afternoon.

Vukovar Valentine’s Day

(Photo: Grad Vukovar/Miroslav Šlafhauzer)

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