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Velika Gospa: Centuries of tradition and devotion in Croatia

croatians celebrate velika gospa

(Photo: Tino Juric/PIXSELL)

AUGUST 15, 2024 – Today, Croatians will gather in celebration of Velika Gospa, also known as the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, by making pilgrimages to more than 20 Marian shrines across the country.

August 15th holds immense significance in the religious calendar, marking one of the most important days for believers.

The Assumption of the Virgin Mary commemorates the moment when Mary, the mother of Jesus, was believed to have been taken up bodily into Heaven at the end of her life on earth.

Every year, tens of thousands of Croatians travel to the town of Sinj, located in the continental region of Split-Dalmatia County, to participate in a procession through the streets and to pay homage at the renowned shrine of the Miraculous Madonna of Sinj.

Velika Gospa in Sinj

Velika Gospa in Sinj (Photo: Mario Žamić/Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license)

This shrine, which has stood since around 1771, is connected to a church with four chapels built on its sides, where believers often seek confession.

Adjacent to the shrine is a 43.5-meter-tall steeple, constructed between 1896 and 1927.

Large crowds are also expected to visit other significant shrines throughout Croatia, including Marija Bistrica in Krapina-Zagorje County, Krasno in Split, Trsat in Rijeka, Pleternica in Slavonia, and Aljmaš in eastern Croatia.

Marija Bistrica (Photo credit. Silverije/CC license)

For over two centuries, Croatians have cherished and maintained a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, celebrating her Assumption with great reverence and love.


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