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VIDEO: Croatia Eurovision 2024 runner-up with Baby Lasagna

Croatia’s Baby Lasagna makes Eurovision final 

Croatia’s Baby Lasagna wins Eurovision 2024

11 May 2024 – Croatia’s Baby Lasagna has finished runner-up to Switzerland at the grand finale of Eurovision 2024, held in Malmo, Sweden tonight. 

Croatia was awarded the maximum 12 points by the juries of Cyprus and Serbia, with most countries opting to give their 12 points to Switzerland.

Croatia received 337 points in public voting which propelled them to the top for a brief moment.  Switzerland’s entry, “The Code” performed by Nemo, would edge Croatia in the end with 591 points to Croatia’s 547 points.

Wearing his now trademark traditional Croatian lace shirt, Baby Lasagna captivated the large audience at Malmö Arena with his enthralling performance of “Rim Tim Tagi Dim.”

The infectious rhythm of Baby Lasagna’s song, narrating the journey of a young Croatian leaving his village and pursuing opportunities in the city, resonated with the crowd, who enthusiastically danced and sang along. 

Not only did he garner the loudest cheers from the crowd, but he also earned resounding praise again from the press box.

With weeks of anticipation building up, “Rim Tim Tagi Dim” emerged as a frontrunner in the eyes of bookmakers and the fervour of Eurovision gripped Croatia like never before. 

Both the capital city, Zagreb, and Umag played host to viewing parties, which was a first.

Hailing from Umag in Istria, Marko Purišić, the creative force behind Baby Lasagna, embarked on his musical journey as a guitarist for the Croatian rock band Manntra. 

However, his solo career took flight in 2023 with the release of “IG Boi” under Molly Studios, followed by the success of “Don’t Hate Yourself, But Don’t Love Yourself too Much” towards the end of last year.

Watch the video below – Baby Lasagna performed 22nd in the final. 

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