Warmest 6th of January in History Recorded in Zagreb
- by croatiaweek
- in News

Zagreb (Photo credit: Roberta F. CC)
The warmest ever 6th of January on record in the Croatian capital was recorded yesterday.
Temperatures reached a high of 18°C on Saturday, 6th of January 2018, the warmest since measurements began nearly 70 years ago, RTL reports.
It was not only Zagreb which enjoyed warm temperatures. The second highest temperature of the day recorded in Croatia surprisingly came in the east of the country in Osijek, where temperatures hit 17°C.

It was warmer in inland Croatia, and even in Slavonia, than it was on the usually warmer Dalmatian coast, where temperatures reached between 13°C – 15°C.
This time last year temperatures were deep in the minuses around Croatia. On 6th of January 2017, in Split, it was -4°C was a strong, bitter-cold wind blowing.
There is no sign of snow over the next 10 days, but temperatures will drop below double-digits later next week.