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Zagreb-Split: New trains, faster journeys, and increased departures

train in split

Split (HŽ/Screenshot)

New electro-diesel motor trains will replace the tilting trains that have been operating between Split and Zagreb since 2004 after a contract was signed earlier this week between Končar – Electric Vehicles and HŽ Passenger Transport.

Željko Ukić, CEO of HŽ Passenger Transport, and Josip Ninić, CEO of Končar – Electric Vehicles shared more details about these trains, their start of operation, and plans for improving the railway system were shared on HRT’s ”Studio 4”.

We expect the delivery of the first train 24 months after the contract signing, which means around July 2026. After that, one train will be delivered each month. By the end of 2026, we will have all six trains, a completely renewed fleet, new highly comfortable, modern trains for long-distance travel, said Željko Ukić. The trains will connect Split and Zagreb.

We will enable more daily departures, both from Split and Zagreb. This will, of course, depend on the track capacity. We will improve the quality of transport compared to the trains we currently have, added Ukić.

Josip Ninić from Končar revealed that these are trains that combine electric motor drive and diesel-electric drive.

– These are hybrid or bimodal trains that we have concluded would be the optimal solution for the complex and demanding route between Split and Zagreb.

Most of this route has the characteristics of a mountainous track, so the train will operate as an electric motor train until Oštarije, and from Oštarije to Split as a diesel-electric train. This way, we will make the most of the electrified part of the network and use diesel engines for the mountainous, demanding section.

He emphasised that passengers will enjoy high comfort.

– This is a long-distance train, with highly comfortable seats, a refreshment area, vending machines offering various products, more space for bicycles, air conditioning, and Wi-Fi service. Our biggest challenge is to ensure safety at all times, both active and passive safety, and to have enough power to handle the demanding section, said Ninić.

Koncar electric train

Illustration (Photo credit: Končar)

The railway infrastructure needs to be prepared for the new trains.

HŽ Infrastructure is working intensively on the railway infrastructure. The section towards Split is being renewed and prepared. Colleagues from Infrastructure have announced that this section will be ready with the 2027 timetable.

– The travel time on this section will be significantly reduced. The goal for 2027 is to introduce a new service between Zagreb and Split, with as many daily departures as possible. We have initially planned four departures from Split and four from Zagreb. This will elevate the railway service to a higher level, said Ukić.

He stressed that the goal is to bring passengers back to the railway with various offers and benefits related to train travel.

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